2019 SMT and AMS Events featuring Project Spectrum Committee Members
Society for Music Theory
7–10 November 2019
Columbus, OH
Plenary Session: “Reframing Music Theory”
Saturday, 9 November, 4:00–5:30pm, Union Ballroom, 2nd floor
Elizabeth West Marvin (Eastman School of Music), Moderator
Philip Ewell (Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY), “Music Theory’s White Racial Frame”
Yayoi Uno Everett (University of Illinois at Chicago), “From Exoticism to Interculturalism: Counterframing the East-West Binary”
Joseph Straus (The Graduate Center, CUNY), “Music Theory’s Therapeutic Imperative and the Tyranny of the Normal”
Ellie M. Hisama (Columbia University), “Getting to Count”
American Musicological Society
Annual Meeting
31 October–3 November 2019
Boston, MA
#BelieveMe, Professional Listening, and Hearing on Purpose
Sponsored by the Committee on Women and Gender
Friday, 1 November, 9:00am–10:30am, Grand Ballroom A
Stephanie Jensen-Moulton (Brooklyn College, CUNY), Chair
Stephan Pennington (Tufts University), Respondent
Anna Gatdula (University of Chicago)
Maya Gibson (University of Missouri)
Denise Von Glahn (Florida State University)
Committee on Women and Gender Endowed Lecture
Friday, 1 November, 10:45am–12:45pm, Grand Ballroom A
Stephanie Jensen-Moulton (Brooklyn College, CUNY), Chair
Tammy Kernodle (Miami University of Ohio), “No More Tears and Prayers: Black Women, Black Music, and the Mythology of Post Racial America”
Perspectives on Critical Race Theory and Music
Sponsored by the Committee on Race and Ethnicity
Friday, 1 November, 6:00–7:30pm, Grand Ballroom A
Nina Eidsheim (University of California, Los Angeles), George E. Lewis (Columbia University), Co-chairs
Nancy Love (Appalachian State University), “Facing the Music: Ambiguity, Community, and Identity in White Power Music”
Matthew Leslie Santana (University of California, San Diego) and Shana Redmond (University of California, Los Angeles), interlocutors
Musicology and Expansion
Sponsored by the Graduate Education Committee
Friday, 1 November, 8:00–9:00pm, Grand Ballroom C
James Q. Davies (University of California, Berkeley), Francesca Brittan (Case Western Reserve University), Co-chairs
Tamara Levitz (University of California, Los Angeles)
Ellie Hisama (Columbia University)
Ian MacMillen (Oberlin College-Conservatory)
Susan Bay (University of California, Berkeley)
Historicizing the AMS: An Open Forum
Sponsored by the Committee on the History of the Society
Sunday, 3 November, 9:00–10:30am, Grand Ballroom E
Johann Buis (Wheaton College), Moderator
Matthew D. Morrison (New York University)
Ellen Rosand (Yale University)
Sherrie J. Tucker (University of Kansas)
Liza Vick (University of Pennsylvania)