
Graduate Student Committee Application

Project Spectrum is seeking new graduate student committee members to join us in our mission of increasing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in music theory, musicology, and ethnomusicology. Read our complete mission statement here.

In our organizational model, graduate student committee members serve as the leading voice for Project Spectrum and the primary organizers of its events and actions. Our affiliate members support the graduate student committee as advisors, mentors, and collaborators.

We are seeking motivated members who self-identify as underrepresented minorities including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, and class; we are currently prioritizing students affiliated with musicology and/or music theory programs/societies (e.g., AMS and SMT) who can commit for a minimum of two years to the labor load detailed below.

The graduate student members of Project Spectrum are passionate about building community and supporting each other as we organize toward both urgent needs and longer-term visions around music academia. While this labor belongs to everyone, we believe an important function of leadership is to uplift the voices and ideas of the historically marginalized.

We look forward to hearing from those who would like to join us in our work.

Student Application Timeline:

  • Applications open on Monday, 24 March.

  • Applications close on Friday, 11 April at 11:59pm Eastern.

  • Applications are reviewed by current graduate student committee members April 12-25.

  • All applicants will be notified of their application status no later than Wednesday, 30 April.

  • New members are expected to begin their term as of May 1st.

Student Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Labor load for Project Spectrum largely depends on the schedule of events and publications. The most labor intensive position, the co-chair, meets once per week for up to one hour and has an average workload of 1–3 hours/week. The rest of the graduate students meet every 4–6 weeks, with more hours of commitment expected when planning activities. All meetings happen via Zoom, with additional communication happening via email and WhatsApp.

  • We have collaborated and continue to be interested in collaborating with study/interest groups from various music societies to help them plan sessions (e.g., AMS Music and Disability Study Group). We also plan to organize events independent from these societies (e.g., virtual professional development for graduate students).

Application Process

Click here to complete the two-part application form. In Part II, you will need to upload one document, explained below.

Part I: Personal and Academic Information Questionnaire

Part II: Upload Supporting Document

  • Personal Statement: Why are you interested in becoming part of Project Spectrum? What particular strengths would you bring to the Project Spectrum team? What skills and knowledge do you hope to gain through this experience? Specify at least one component of Project Spectrum’s activities that you are interested in developing to help work towards a more equitable music studies. (approx. 500 words)

  • Workload: Please include your anticipated workload capacity (this can include: teaching responsibilities, fellowship years, or ethnographic/archival field work). Labor load for Project Spectrum largely depends on our activity. (no word count)

Submissions are due by Friday, 11 April at 11:59pm Eastern.

All applicants will be notified of their application status no later than Wednesday, 30 April. If you have any questions relating to the process, please reach out to us via email.